Annual Action Report - OR Movement 2020 / 5781

16 Annual Action Report OR Movement 2020 / 5781 ‹‹‹ COMMITTED, VISION-REALI THE CENTEN THE YEAR IN WHICH THE "TOGETHERNESS" AND THE CIRCLE OF PARTNERS GREW Three years ago, at the start of the process of creating the 3 centers vision for the State of Israel, OR Movement made a strategic decision; joint promotion of the action plan to recruit systems in all fields in which they operated . In order for the State of Israel to get on board with the vision of the new centers, it was necessary to establish one joint step which would join everyone together . The management level, the partners who had joined up, the joint work and development served as foundation stones in moving the entire process forward, in generating agreements and promoting steps in government arenas, in planning and in the business sector. The Covid-19 period forced us all to work together, by definition . Throughout the past year OR Movement developed and fine-honed a method of propelling partnership processes forward as an inherent part of its work process for the purpose of recruiting systems and infrastructures in all areas of operations in which they have a hand. PARTNERS IN ISRAEL'S NEW CENTERS 809 OR PARTNERS THE CENTENNIAL GROUP 315 leaders from all sectors and groups who led the consolidation of the "Israel 2048 – A Shared Future" vision and other core initiatives WLC 21 members of OR Movement’s World Leadership Council "DECISION MAKER'S" FORUM FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH 111 of Israel’s leaders of industry leading the relocation of companies to the Negev and the Galilee Led by the Menomadin Fund along with SFI, the Center for Local Governance, the Ministry of the Interior, leadership in the towns and 35 other partners , initiatives are being generated on the ground to address the challenges created by Covid-19 THE DAY AFTER COALITION 64 organizations who jointly led the national volunteer effort "LEV ECHAD" PARTNERSHIP 210 partners working to establish and guide the project and employment sprint THE "MEDINA L’MOFET" COMMUNITY 53 market leaders , partners in developing the initiative in each of the cities EQUITABLE CITIES COUNCILS