Annual Action Report - OR Movement 2020 / 5781

OR MOVEMENT 2002-2020 46,682 104 8 WWW.OR1.ORG.IL STUDI O R 2021/04 >>> >>> >>> 63 19 >>>37 NEW TOWNS © All rights reserved to the OR Movement, its settlers and partners Were established 8 New towns: Mitzpeh Ilan, Eliav, Merhav Am, Be’er Milka, Givot Bar, Sansana, Carmit, and Chiran PUBLIC & COMMUNITY FACILITY PROJECTS Along with our partners, we built 104 public and community buildings including: daycares and nurseries, synagogues, mikvahs, sports fields, parks, temporary rental sites and more OR MOVEMENT PIONEERS In total, OR Movement has helped 46,682 residents to build their lives in the Negev and the Galilee We consolidated 37 groups of new pioneers who are establishing their lives in the Negev and the Galilee IMPACT GROUPS GOVERNMENT DECISIONS We promoted and led 19 government decisions for the Negev and the Galilee EXISTING COMMUNITIES We strengthened and expanded 63 communities in the rural and urban localities in the Negev and the Galilee (50 rural and 13 urban) ACHIEVEMENTS