15 INCREASING AWARENESS OUR POWER IS IN OUR UNITY The approval of the vision and the power to implement it comes from the population at large. Therefore, the Israel 2048 vision is not defined as a “top down” process but rather is rooted in the participation of thousands of citizens from across the country who chose to listen to and share their personal and professional experiences. This is how it began: We held 70 professional and financial conferences with the participation of 8,000 citizens who heard about the vision and decided to take part in it. We reached over 10 million appearances of the Israel 2048 vision which then began to move the wheels of change to make the vision reality. We accompanied 2,443 families who contacted the information center seeking to learn more about the exciting opportunities of a new life in the Negev and Galilee. We hosted 22,000 visitors at the Gateway to the Negev Visitors Center – revealing the inspiring secrets of the Negev. We disseminated the Israel 2048 vision through a dedicated newspaper edition and a magazine distributed to hundreds of thousands of citizens across Israel and abroad.